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Bridge To Music

There is a growing need for a standard, well-rounded and internationally benchmarked general music curriculum in schools that includes every child and not just a talented few that are musically inclined.

India is a treasure trove of culture, developed over thousands of years and manifested in the form of arts, especially music. The New Education Policy 2020 lays strong emphasis on developing cultural awareness and identity rooted in the rich cultural heritage of India. The NEP also lays emphasis on experiential language learning. However, there is currently little multi-lingual folk music from various regions of India available for use at school level. There is a dire need for folk music of India to be collected, transcribed, translated, transliterated, progressive structured and integrated into a music curriculum based on the international music education pedagogy.

Bridge to Music is an exceptionally forward-thinking curriculum for general music education, designed for the development of the whole child in an inclusive and diverse learning environment.

Curriculum highlights: Point 1. Units and lesson plans cover all elements of music such as melody, harmony, rhythm, form, and expression. Point 2. Teaching resources include diverse selections of multi-lingual folk songs and key methods of arts-integration. Point 3. Completely aligned with the goals and objectives of the New Education Policy 2020. Point 4. Grade level appropriate musical and cultural concepts. Point 5. Inclusive and diverse, the curriculum includes western and Indian genres of music. Point 6. Cumulative by design, each level reinforces and extends the lessons of the previous level. Point 7. Recognises music as a skill and as cultural expression. Point 8. Just as sports, music too requires repetition for skill building. The curriculum provides ample exercises to allow the child to experience incremental success and achievement

What is in it for the Students

Bridge to Music is designed to include every student in the class and not just for the talented few. This is in line with the concept of exposure to arts for everyone, whether or not they become professional artist, just like every child studies other academic subjects in the school.

What is in it for the Teachers

The curriculum is designed to be delivered and taught by the existing music teacher at the school, irrespective of the genre of music and/or instrument they specialise in. Curriculum implementation will be supported by professional development and continuing support provided by the Bridge Music Academy through asynchronous / virtual learning resources and live professional development workshops from time-to-time.


Professional development and teaching resources support internal assessments by providing assessment briefs, assessment criteria and marking schemes. Optional UK regulated external assessments and qualification will be available through RSL Awards.